If Asbestos is identified at a workplace, it is a statutory requirement that an annual inspection is completed and the Asbestos Register is updated to reflect the re-audit.
Under the Code of Practice for the Management and Control of Asbestos in Workplaces [NOHSC: 2015 (2005)], the Asbestos Materials Register, including any risk assessments, must be reviewed annually or earlier where:
• A risk assessment indicates the need for reassessment
• Any ACM has been disturbed or removed
A visual inspection must be undertaken as part of this review.
AARMS Technicians engaged to perform a review will undertake the following:
• Attend the premises and inspect all previously identified ACMs
• Reassess the risks associated with the ACM
• Provide further recommendations for either the ongoing management or removal of the ACM if required
• Update the existing Asbestos Materials Register to incorporate details from the review process
• By carrying out annual inspections you:
• Minimize significantly the exposure to legal
• liabilities from tenants, contractors and/or employees
• Avoid the risk of being fined by the Department
• Minimize the possibility of claims on workers compensation due to asbestos exposure
• Reduce the likelihood of waivered insurance claims due to non-compliance
• Avoid the possibility of unfavourable media exposure and publicity
• Avoid possible union problems including stop work action
And most importantly, minimize the risks to health due to the exposure to asbestos in the workplace