Asbestos Work
Asbestos is a know killer. Asbestos is now the worlds most litigated work place claim.
If you have asbestos identified at your property or home and you are considering having the asbestos removed, before you consider any
asbestos work, familiarize yourself with a couple of key points.
Asbestos Work checklist
Have you checked on your local council and State Government requirements for asbestos removal and disposal?
Which asbestos removal contractor are you going to use. With asbestos, the cheapest if often not the best solution.
Is the asbestos removal contractor licensed?
Is the asbestos removal contractor insured?
Has the asbestos removal contractor supplied you with a Safe Work Method Statement?
After the asbestos Works, where and how is the materials going to be disposed of?
ALWYA notify neighbours that the works are being undertaken.
Asbestos work should not be undertaken by home renovators. Do not use basic tools, home vacuum cleaners and think you know what you are doing, asbestos fibres are not to be taken lightly.