Recently Australia has experienced a number of goods imported into Australia that contain asbestos. This is illegal as NO asbestos in any quantity can be imported into Australia.
Asbestos is now a major problem for Freight forwarders and Customs Agents as they have had to rely upon certification from foreign companies and suppliers stating goods are asbestos free, when in fact they contain asbestos.
The is now a very HIGH PRIORITY for the Australian Border Force (ABF).
AARMS is able provide a unique Asian based solution for this.
AARMS has 4 offices in Asia, 3 in China and one in Singapore, employing fully qualified Asbestos surveyors within China and all Asian territories to undertake a survey of the goods PRIOR to their shipment into Australia.
It is the responsibility of importers to ensure that they do not import prohibited goods, including asbestos. Traders need to be aware of the varying definitions and standards applied to goods in the country of origin and / or supply, as some countries allow goods to contain low levels of asbestos.
Importers are encouraged to investigate, and where appropriate implement:
AARMS is an Australian Registered company, authorized by the Federal Minister to import asbestos samples for testing at a NATA accredited laboratory.
AARMS employs fully qualified ISO 17020 Asbestos surveyors within China, Singapore and Asia to undertake a survey of the goods PRIOR to their shipment into Australia.
Additionally, AARMS can also provide a detailed Risk assessment of the manufacturing and supply chain of your imported items if requested. Contact an AARMS representative to discuss this process.
Since 31 December 2003, an Australia wide ban on the importation, manufacture and use of asbestos and products containing asbestos has been in place. In Australia, a product containing asbestos is prohibited for importation without prior permission under Regulation 4C of the Customs (Prohibited Imports) Regulations 1956.
Under sections 233(1) and (1AA) of the Customs Act 1901 it is an offence to import a prohibited good. Prohibited imports that arrive at the Australian border may be seized and the importer may be prosecuted or subject to penalties.
The Department of Immigration and Border Protection (the Department) proactively manages the risk of asbestos-containing products from entering into Australia. Since its establishment, the ABF has significantly increased its operational and strategic focus on imported goods that pose a risk of containing asbestos. The ABF employs a risk based intelligence-led approach to target these high-risk goods.
Importers must provide sufficient assurance to demonstrate that imported goods do not contain asbestos.
LCBs are encouraged to exercise due diligence to ensure that the information that they report to the ABF on behalf of their clients is correct. This includes seeking further assurances from importers that imported goods do not contain asbestos prior to responding to asbestos CPQs. This reflects the standard obligation for LCBs in declaring accurate information to the ABF.
AARMS provides a unique, specialised asbestos sampling survey that ensures compliance, with the fastest turnaround and report delivery in the market. AARMS is authorised to Import and test samples for the presence of Asbestos
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